Switch won´t find any Wifis | 2110-1115

Diskutiere Switch won´t find any Wifis | 2110-1115 im Fragen und Antworten Forum im Bereich Nintendo Switch Forum; My switch won´t find any wifi. I... - restarted the router and the switch, - factory reset the switch, - moved closer to the router, - tried both...


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Mitglied seit
18. Februar 2021
My switch won´t find any wifi.

- restarted the router and the switch,
- factory reset the switch,
- moved closer to the router,
- tried both 2,4 and 5 GHz,
- tried adding the wifi manually,
- tried in airplane mode,
- tried it with a hotspot of my Phone.

But it won´t find ANY WIfi, not even the neighbors.

I just really dont know what to o at this point.

It also gives me the error Code 2110-1115 ("The wireless connection is not available due to a failure")

Please help me!

Switch won´t find any Wifis | 2110-1115

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